- البلد:
- التاريخ: 2016-12-16
Car From Japan should definitely pick me as a winner because of my marketing skills. My ability to generate traffic into their website, my confidence in them and because I'm one of the hard workers who take their time to convince people to rigister with Car From Japan and thus they automatically become potential clients. Car from Japan should pick me as the winner because I'm well driven and honest. My thoughts about Car From Japan are as follows... I think you guys are simply the best, I'm deriving this because for the past few days i been promoting and advertising this opportunity, i took a chance to scroll their website more than once and with all the available features like for instance they give you a chance to fill in all details of the car you want to search for before you can actually click search. This is a good advantage to us as their customers we get to easily find the exact car we want. I'm also proud of car from Japan because it has given out this opportunity to everyone in the world and therefore giving over seven billion individuals an equal chance to have a car. I also happen to see CAR FROM JAPAN becoming the next big car dealing website due to their way of giving back to the community. CAR FROM JAPAN IS THE REAL DEALCar from Japan is just the best there can ever be. I did enquiries for a few cars and the responses were so quick and detailed. Thank you car from Japan for this winning opportunity you have given me and everyone else. Car from Japan has got an outstanding website interface with live feeds and atractive deals like for example buy one and get three Christmas promotion. Its like being given that chance to own multiple vehicle from a few dollars literally something you can afford. Car from Japan also makes comparisons of the cars that are similar in price and spects and thus making it easy for a buyer to make a buying decision that is in line with their intrests basing on this well detailed comparison they give. I just found out a few days about the christmas car give away and i think i did my best to get as many people engaged as part of the competition and due to that i think i deserve to be the winner. Another thing i have realised about car from Japan is their support team that is very quick to respond via email which is excellent because no one has the whole day to wait for the responses not that I'm impatient but i enjoy being valued and served on time as a customer. Its business so every client enjoys being treated. Car From Japan has shown me authenticity in this especially in this campaign, i entered in the late stages i put so much marketing effort to it and my points were always updated with transparently fair enough based on my effort. I may or may not be the winner of this campaign but i do appreciate Car From Japan for giving me a chance to participate in the campaign. Thank you so much Car From Japan please keep up the good work much appreciated thanks again cheers

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
ساعات العمل
- الإثنين-الجمعة: 9am-6pm
- إجازة: السبت والأحد يومي العطلة في اليابان
CAR FROM JAPAN هي منتج من قبل شركة CAR FROM JAPAN المحدودة.
نقدم لك وصول مباشرة وسهل لآلآف من السيارات المستخدمة من اليابان بأسعار لا يمكن منافستها.
نحن مفوضين من مئات مصدرين السيارات اليابانية المستعملة في اليابان بملفات سيارات لا مثيل لها بأسعار لا يمكن منافستها. سنتولى أمر الأعمال الورقية عنك ونتأكد بأن الدفع آمن و بأن تحصل على ما دفعت ثمنه بأفضل الحالات.
دفع آمن.قيمة التكاليف الخفية هي صفر. راحة مطلقة.
نحن نعمل لأجلك- لأجل المشتري وليس البائع. نقوم بتحرير المبلغ المدفوع للبائع فقط بعد أن يتم شحن السيارة لك. ونحن نعمل بجد للغاية لتأكد من أن السيارة وصلتك بأمان وبسرعة. في حال أن السيارة لم يتم شحنها لك وهو شيء غير محتمل، نضمن لك استرجاع 100% من نقودك.
فريق عالمي سيجعلك تشعر وكأنك تتعامل مع شخص محلي.
نحن فخورون بأننا في CAR FROM JAPAN فريق بثقافات متنوعة. نحن نعيش في أماكن زمنية مختلفة ونتحدث لغات مختلفة. لن تجد أي مشكلة بالتواصل معنا- هناك دائماً من يتكلم بلغتك. حتى أنه قد يكون يعيش قريباً منك!
كل الأنواع، كل الموديلات، كل نطاقات السعر، نغطيهم جميعاً.
عندنا واحدة من أضخم مجموعات السيارات اليابانية المستعملة التي يمكن أن تجدها على الانترنت. ونحن الآن بصدد توسيع ملفنا لننمو أكبر وبشكل أسرع كل سوم. نعم، صحيح. كل ذلك بأسعارلا تقبل المنافسة. توجه إلى صفحة القائمة وشاهد بنفسك.