- البلد:
Papua New Guinea
- التاريخ: 2016-11-28
I should win this car because i need a car. well everyone needs a car and i am not saying my need is above everyone else. Sometimes i convince myself that i do not need a car, maybe its not a need but a want, but when my husband, my 1 year old baby and myself are usually brought home at about 12:00 am in the next morning i usually realize i need to have my own car. My husband and i are always cautious about complicating the situation and since we do not have a car of our own, we always agree or i would say comply with those whom we seek help from. if its mean they have to do somethings first before they dropped us off. To be honest i do complain sometimes but i really appreciate the fact that there is always someone willing to take us home despite whatever time will arrived home. Many times i wish i have enough money in my bank account to at least buy a Japanese used car or a nearly run-down car from Japan, but its unfortunate cause i cannot even save a penny (or in my country its called toea), due to the fact that whatever my husband and i earned is enough to get us through till the next pay day. If i have a chance to win this car it will not solve all my problem but it will be very convenient for us to do our outreach program of dressing sores of unfortunate people, cooked food for those who are hungry and bring it to them, buy and deliver medicines to people who cannot do this for themselves and for us to come home before the next morning.
Our public transport usually cease to operate after 6:30 pm and sometimes my husband and i have to make arrangement with whoever that has a car to pick us up and drop us off when there is someone that needs our help.The things that i listed them are the current activities that my family are involved in with whatever resource we have. May be by now you can understand why we usually come home late.
To win a car from Japan will make life easier for us in terms of transportation and at the same tine cars from Japan are the most trusted vehicles and also the parts are always readily available in our country. Even all the Tom, Dick and Harry mechanic here in our country knows how to fix a car from Japan. So to win a car from Japan will just widen the knowledge and give an effective message that cars from Japan does meet customers expectations and you will not spend a lot of money to get its spare parts. Even the Japanese spare parts for vehicle that are sold on-line are more cheaper and affordable, and their lead time of delivery to the customer is so reliable. Like i said earlier to win a car from Japan will make a headline or ad effective advertisement to all the potential customers in my country that cars from Japan is the real deal.

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
ساعات العمل
- الإثنين-الجمعة: 9am-6pm
- إجازة: السبت والأحد يومي العطلة في اليابان
CAR FROM JAPAN هي منتج من قبل شركة CAR FROM JAPAN المحدودة.
نقدم لك وصول مباشرة وسهل لآلآف من السيارات المستخدمة من اليابان بأسعار لا يمكن منافستها.
نحن مفوضين من مئات مصدرين السيارات اليابانية المستعملة في اليابان بملفات سيارات لا مثيل لها بأسعار لا يمكن منافستها. سنتولى أمر الأعمال الورقية عنك ونتأكد بأن الدفع آمن و بأن تحصل على ما دفعت ثمنه بأفضل الحالات.
دفع آمن.قيمة التكاليف الخفية هي صفر. راحة مطلقة.
نحن نعمل لأجلك- لأجل المشتري وليس البائع. نقوم بتحرير المبلغ المدفوع للبائع فقط بعد أن يتم شحن السيارة لك. ونحن نعمل بجد للغاية لتأكد من أن السيارة وصلتك بأمان وبسرعة. في حال أن السيارة لم يتم شحنها لك وهو شيء غير محتمل، نضمن لك استرجاع 100% من نقودك.
فريق عالمي سيجعلك تشعر وكأنك تتعامل مع شخص محلي.
نحن فخورون بأننا في CAR FROM JAPAN فريق بثقافات متنوعة. نحن نعيش في أماكن زمنية مختلفة ونتحدث لغات مختلفة. لن تجد أي مشكلة بالتواصل معنا- هناك دائماً من يتكلم بلغتك. حتى أنه قد يكون يعيش قريباً منك!
كل الأنواع، كل الموديلات، كل نطاقات السعر، نغطيهم جميعاً.
عندنا واحدة من أضخم مجموعات السيارات اليابانية المستعملة التي يمكن أن تجدها على الانترنت. ونحن الآن بصدد توسيع ملفنا لننمو أكبر وبشكل أسرع كل سوم. نعم، صحيح. كل ذلك بأسعارلا تقبل المنافسة. توجه إلى صفحة القائمة وشاهد بنفسك.