- البلد:
Tanzania, United Republic Of
- التاريخ: 2016-11-26
I have being organizing purchasing and clearing of vehicles at Dar es salaam Port.
I have experience and I can say Used vehicles are often the best values you’ll find in the automotive market. Not only is the price lower than a comparable new car’s, but continuing ownership expenses such as collision insurance and taxes are lower, In addition, buying used is a way to get a nicer car than you’d be able to afford new.
Whether you are looking for a cars for sell or own use, CAR FROM JAPAN provides the essential information you need to choose a used car with a good reliability history.
These cars are fuel efficient. Because of their state of the art engine design their fuel consumption is very less. Their fuel efficiency makes them environment friendly. The emission from Japanese vehicles is very less thus it helps make environment more clean and human friendly.
In Japanese market, the used cars for sale are from famous car manufacturing companies like Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Nissan and several others. These companies are known for producing cars which are durable and long lasting. Moreover, the customer has a variety of JAPANES USED CAR models to choose from. Every single model is equipped with latest features like air bags, power windows, automatic transmission, power windows and many others. So we can choose any model which we like.
Before the advancement of internet people had to rely on classified ads which were published in the newspaper or they had to go and personally buy the car and then ship it to their respective country.
But now there are a number of JAPANESE USED CARS exporters present in the market.
A large number of used cars are put on sale.
You can also buy CAR FROM JAPAN through a car dealer. You can submit a query about any car on their website or social media page and they will get back to you within no time. They will give you the best and cheapest deal available. If you like their deal you will simply place your order, make the payment and the rest of the work is done by the JAPANESE USED CAR exporter. They will arrange for the shipment of your vehicle and will provide you with the entire necessary documents which help you to clear your car from the customs authority.
Car conditions:
Grade 2: The car is in unsatisfactory position.
Grade 2.5: The car is damaged but it can be repaired.
Grade 3: The car is in ordinary condition. It only needs repairs for some dents and scratches.
Grade 4: The car is in excellent condition.
Grade 5: The car looks like a brand new car.
Most cars I have seen at CAR FROM JAPAN are in a conditions of grade 4 and grade 5.
Remind you I have being organizing purchasing and clearing of vehicles at Dar es salaam Port since 2014 to date.
I will be happy to win this competition and become a CAR FROM JAPAN ambassador from Tanzania so that to be able to eancreas my income, proceed with my studies and fulling my dreams of helping those who are in needy.. DEAR GOD, I COUNT ON YOU.

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
ساعات العمل
- الإثنين-الجمعة: 9am-6pm
- إجازة: السبت والأحد يومي العطلة في اليابان
CAR FROM JAPAN هي منتج من قبل شركة CAR FROM JAPAN المحدودة.
نقدم لك وصول مباشرة وسهل لآلآف من السيارات المستخدمة من اليابان بأسعار لا يمكن منافستها.
نحن مفوضين من مئات مصدرين السيارات اليابانية المستعملة في اليابان بملفات سيارات لا مثيل لها بأسعار لا يمكن منافستها. سنتولى أمر الأعمال الورقية عنك ونتأكد بأن الدفع آمن و بأن تحصل على ما دفعت ثمنه بأفضل الحالات.
دفع آمن.قيمة التكاليف الخفية هي صفر. راحة مطلقة.
نحن نعمل لأجلك- لأجل المشتري وليس البائع. نقوم بتحرير المبلغ المدفوع للبائع فقط بعد أن يتم شحن السيارة لك. ونحن نعمل بجد للغاية لتأكد من أن السيارة وصلتك بأمان وبسرعة. في حال أن السيارة لم يتم شحنها لك وهو شيء غير محتمل، نضمن لك استرجاع 100% من نقودك.
فريق عالمي سيجعلك تشعر وكأنك تتعامل مع شخص محلي.
نحن فخورون بأننا في CAR FROM JAPAN فريق بثقافات متنوعة. نحن نعيش في أماكن زمنية مختلفة ونتحدث لغات مختلفة. لن تجد أي مشكلة بالتواصل معنا- هناك دائماً من يتكلم بلغتك. حتى أنه قد يكون يعيش قريباً منك!
كل الأنواع، كل الموديلات، كل نطاقات السعر، نغطيهم جميعاً.
عندنا واحدة من أضخم مجموعات السيارات اليابانية المستعملة التي يمكن أن تجدها على الانترنت. ونحن الآن بصدد توسيع ملفنا لننمو أكبر وبشكل أسرع كل سوم. نعم، صحيح. كل ذلك بأسعارلا تقبل المنافسة. توجه إلى صفحة القائمة وشاهد بنفسك.