- البلد:
United Arab Emirates
- التاريخ: 2016-11-25
1st December marks the beginning of celebration season to us Kenyans we separate Jamhuri day on 12Th December to mark the day in which we gained independence, to Christian, like myself, we celebrate the birth of Jesus christ on 25Th December every year. However,this time like the past ten years since i got married, i won't celebrate with my parents nor with any member of my extend family. This because during this time,most people working in towns are moving back to rural areas to celebrate with their families, It is unfortunity for those who don't have cars to travel in, They will have to pay hiked fares if they want celebrate this festive season back at their villages,It's even worse for young parents like myself with small kids, to board a public service vehicles is nightmare ,since, you have to scrubble for the seats in buses. So unless i have a car i dont see myself celebrating this great annual event soon with my parents, i will have wait my children to grow and be in position to scrubble for themselves( survival for the fittest),the smallest is a two year old baby girl.Having said that, i used think people who have cars have no problem until i met my current boss and this what he told me "When we were young ,we use to fight who will sit in front sit of the car My father was driving since front sit was spaces and Comfortable" ,Him,being the oldest, among three was alway on rear side unless, when the other two were not travelling,so he develop hatred for his siblings he thought they were being favoured. He didn't want this to happen to his children ,so when he grew up he bought himself a car, which was spaces both fore and rear seats so his children don't fight who will sit infront or at the back since the car has spacious fore and rear seats .To me having a car is privilege for those who are born in 1970's and especially in Africa will bare witness,getting a car to take patients and pregnant mothers to hospital was a big headache, In our village for instance there was only one a person who had car and was willing to take pregnant mother to hospital,however, Pregant mothers or patients had to walk to the gentleman homestead ,he was unwilling fetch patient from his/ her home to minimize fuel consumption, most of expectant mothers would die before reaching to the ''rich''man homestead ,others would deliver on their way only afew lucky ones reaching his home. My mother was lucky for example on 06/04/1974 she delivered me by road side and called me ''Ngigi'' ( delivered in the forest), it not a deceint name. I could have loved a different name may be '' Gift'' or another beautiful name. From the above scenarios it apparently people are looking for car for different purposes,The Japanise cars manufactures have realised this important aspect therefore the need to model cars numerous qualities. They have build cars suitable for each and everyone prerequisite. If looking for a car which is of low fuel consumption, resilient, elegant,classy,sophisticated,fashionable, affordable, reliable,effecient, Comfortable ,speed, design for all type of road,whatever, the quality you are looking for you the answer is Car from Japan Company. Thank to CFJ and their sponsors for coming up with this noble giveaways.Am hoping that next year will be great year for me and my family, am opmist that i will win celebrate chrismas festive with my parents back at village , I will be in position to carry my young family without much struggle,and like by boss Andrew, I will have a car of my choice that has both fore and rear seats spacious,I will Conveying patients to hospital without demanding payment or worring about fuel, since ,Japanise cars has less fuel consumption and are suitable for Africa rough roads ,therefore, no worry of replacing spareparts now and then.so unlike my rich neighbour, i will help protect lives not only for sick person but also for expactant mothers and their unborns,since, will be going for the patients in their home whenever called upon, I will also be in position travel to work without much struggle as for now i have to woke up by 4.00am and go back to house last in the night while all my children are asleep not because where am working is far but, because it cheap to travel very early in the morning and late in the evening that way, am in position to save few coins to make both ends met.My children only see me on weekends only;am always tired and spend most of time sleeping on those weekends. This i know have affected my family and i need much more time with them, I believe the car will also me do small business of selling milk to at least boost my monthly wages,currently am earning hand to month and it unlike i will have something extra to spare to buy a car.All these beautiful aspirations and many more are possible Thanks to on going "XMAS Car Giveaway 2016" campaign. God Bless Car from Japan Co. for coming up with this lovely car giveaway campaigns. If picked as a winner i will still a great campaigner here in Kenya and world at large.since summary car giveaway, sharing my link and sending email requist have become part of me.I have share in forums across the world. Thanks for helping me know that i can market product vie social media

- Toujiki Building 7F, 3-10-7 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda,
- Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0032
- +81 50 3171 3983
- +81 3 6735 4633
- www.carfromjapan.com
- ask@carfromjapan.com
ساعات العمل
- الإثنين-الجمعة: 9am-6pm
- إجازة: السبت والأحد يومي العطلة في اليابان
CAR FROM JAPAN هي منتج من قبل شركة CAR FROM JAPAN المحدودة.
نقدم لك وصول مباشرة وسهل لآلآف من السيارات المستخدمة من اليابان بأسعار لا يمكن منافستها.
نحن مفوضين من مئات مصدرين السيارات اليابانية المستعملة في اليابان بملفات سيارات لا مثيل لها بأسعار لا يمكن منافستها. سنتولى أمر الأعمال الورقية عنك ونتأكد بأن الدفع آمن و بأن تحصل على ما دفعت ثمنه بأفضل الحالات.
دفع آمن.قيمة التكاليف الخفية هي صفر. راحة مطلقة.
نحن نعمل لأجلك- لأجل المشتري وليس البائع. نقوم بتحرير المبلغ المدفوع للبائع فقط بعد أن يتم شحن السيارة لك. ونحن نعمل بجد للغاية لتأكد من أن السيارة وصلتك بأمان وبسرعة. في حال أن السيارة لم يتم شحنها لك وهو شيء غير محتمل، نضمن لك استرجاع 100% من نقودك.
فريق عالمي سيجعلك تشعر وكأنك تتعامل مع شخص محلي.
نحن فخورون بأننا في CAR FROM JAPAN فريق بثقافات متنوعة. نحن نعيش في أماكن زمنية مختلفة ونتحدث لغات مختلفة. لن تجد أي مشكلة بالتواصل معنا- هناك دائماً من يتكلم بلغتك. حتى أنه قد يكون يعيش قريباً منك!
كل الأنواع، كل الموديلات، كل نطاقات السعر، نغطيهم جميعاً.
عندنا واحدة من أضخم مجموعات السيارات اليابانية المستعملة التي يمكن أن تجدها على الانترنت. ونحن الآن بصدد توسيع ملفنا لننمو أكبر وبشكل أسرع كل سوم. نعم، صحيح. كل ذلك بأسعارلا تقبل المنافسة. توجه إلى صفحة القائمة وشاهد بنفسك.